Addiction: 5 Early Warning Signs

Cognitive distortions are beliefs or attitudes that lead to an inaccurate or negative perception of oneself or others. Just about everyone experiences cognitive distortions, but when they make it challenging to identify what causes your drug use or prevent you from taking actions toward recovery, that’s when it becomes a problem. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) may assist you in identifying these cognitive distortions and then replacing them with more positive ideas through cognitive restructuring. CBT focuses on how erroneous thoughts can cause people to affect their emotions, feelings and actions.

20 common thinking errors of addicts

How Do You Know if You Need Residential Treatment for Addiction?

At its worst, this transformation resembles the presence of two different personalities in one body. While addicted individuals can be highly critical of other people, their own behavior may be unpredictable and can quickly change from jubilant euphoria to angry suspicion. When an addicted individual is “on the wagon” or trying to cut back, mood swings become more pronounced. We provide detoxification treatment, constant support, and focused one-on-one CBT sessions to bring each client back to a healthy state of mind. Our therapists help every client learn useful techniques to push away harmful mindsets, and embrace a pattern of constructive beliefs and attitudes on the road to recovery. When something goes wrong, there may be a temptation to blame others – or yourself – for causing the problem.

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Re-asserting control of ourselves requires the right recovery skills, combined with a considerable effort to steer our minds in a more positive and constructive direction. Addictions are notoriously difficult to break; the word ‘addiction’ itself suggests an inability to stop doing something. Traditional explanations Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House refer to the chemical hooks that are delivered by drugs such as alcohol and nicotine, and these are both real and significant. There are a few techniques I use with my clients in life coaching, psychotherapy, and online group services to help to identify all-or-nothing thinking and start to focus on the gray areas.

How to Fix Thought Distortions

Because repeated use of a psychoactive substance often creates the motivation for further use, substance abuse is seen as a self-perpetuating disorder and considered to have a high potential for progression. There is an important distinction between drug addiction vs. drug dependence. The term dependence refers to the fact that the brain has adapted physiologically to the substance of abuse. Dependence specifically refers to the effects of the process of neural adaptation to a psychoactive substance. It is a common feature of addiction, but not the totality of the more complex disorder.

  • This medical principle applies to addiction, and the importance of recognizing early warning signs cannot be overstated.
  • None of them is definitive, and there may be many other causes, but the presence of multiple signs merits special consideration.
  • Withdrawal is a highly variable sign of addiction; it occurs with use of some drugs (alcohol, for example) but not others (cocaine); however, it often drives continuing use.
  • At the core of addictive behaviors are the dual drivers of pleasure and pain.
  • So… all of that to say- because our brains function a little differently, I think we are a little more negative by nature because our brains don’t naturally fire the feel-good stuff.

20 common thinking errors of addicts

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