TMElyralab MusePose: MusePose: a Pose-Driven Image-to-Video Framework for Virtual Human Generation

Both holdout sets are compared to the reference set with two nearest neighbor based calculations. Typical ways to measure quality can range from looking at summary statistics or using the synthetic data in a downstream machine learning task. Unfortunately, these methods only measure how well synthetic data mirrors the target data. But having too high accuracy can also come with serious consequences in where the synthetic data copies large parts of the original data. A key benefit of synthetic data is the privacy protection of all individuals in the original data.

Virtual Electronics Lab: How to Create an Oscilloscope Using Python and ADALM2000

There is no shortage of tools or how-to-guides on creating synthetic data, but very little on how exactly to measure the utility/privacy aspect of the synthetic data. However, we found that we wanted more features than what the library offered, so we created the Virtual Data Lab. Create update_offset function and register it to the offset_slider object.

Including built-in open-source datasets, a synthetic data generator interface, and accuracy/privacy metrics

A trivial example would be returning a shuffled sample of the target data. This is highly accurate but violates privacy as it is a direct copy of the target data. In this case, we trade off some accuracy for privacy protection. These will be used in thecomputations we will do on the next code block. To add another channel, duplicate the ocsi.enableChannel and ocsi.setRangelines and change the first parameter from libm2k.ANALOG_IN_CHANNEL_1 tolibm2k.ANALOG_IN_CHANNEL_2. We can add grids that will serve as guidelines to the waveform.

Simple Virtual Oscilloscope

A uniform resource identifier (URI) is a unique identifier for each ADALM2000connected to the PC. This block of code ensures that an ADALM2000 is connected to the PC. The code will automatically exit if there is no ADALM2000device plugged in to your PC. Detailed information about this library can be found on the libm2k wiki page.


It also helps in verifying the functionality ofthese circuits. This is a major reason why an oscilloscope is an indispensablepart of any electronics lab equipment. In addition to this, we can improve theanalysis of certain electronic circuits by allowing engineers to customize theirvery own oscilloscope to suit their needs. MusePose is an image-to-video generation framework for virtual human under control signal such as pose.

Create a Conda virtual environment and install the kernel

In this example, the start value is 0 and the end value is the set duration, whichis 3. For the number of samples, we multiply the duration and sample_rate to getthe total sample that we need, which is 3000 samples. In this section, we will go through the program block per block. We will also discuss what the codes do and the reasons for how they are written.

  1. More than 20 biotechnical labs simulations are available with a LabPad to help guide students and offer quiz questions as they work.
  2. Senior authorship is assigned to the person who originated the project idea or served as principal mentor, which is not necessarily me.
  3. You could use the face-swap function to swap the face in the reference image to the generated video.
  4. This makes sense as the FlatAutoEncoderSynthesizer is generating completely new data, but maintains a statistical relationship with the target data.

Adjusted offset slider (left slide) to adjust offset of both channel outputs. To display the computed Vpp, Vave, and Vrms in the figure, we will utilize the textlabel widget from the matplotlib library. Create the string labels, label_ch1and label_ch2, and then concatenate the two strings to create the final label,fin_label. The first and secondparameter (0.2, 3) is the x and y position of the text. The fourth and fifth parameters are the style of text andbox, respectively.

The only difference is thatwe used the NumPy arrays for the plot instead of using the original arrays. The data_y stores the waveform samples that we gathered using the ADALM2000device. The samples for Channel 1 are stored in data_y[0], while samples fromChannel 2 are stored in data_y[1].

Thus, we want to include how well our generator preserves privacy in our quality measurement. In summary, the BioDivA Lab represents a dynamic and inclusive scientific collaboration and mentorship model in a virtual environment. By addressing the practicalities described above, we ensure our virtual lab’s smooth functioning and success, fostering a dynamic environment. virtual lab python We also use Google Docs and Drive to share manuscripts in development, allowing for better co-writing and revising with authors who are spread across various locations. We have established guidelines for the responsible use of these shared documents, so that collaborators can contribute in suggestion mode but only the project leader can make final edits.

PhET Interactive Simulations offers a huge variety of simulations covering physics, chemistry, math, earth science, and biology. Each simulation comes with teacher-specific tips, resources, and primers to help with preparing students for the tasks. This is a bit more labor intensive for teachers than some platforms, making it less student led.

An example of this function in action with more synthesizers + datasets can be found in this Google Colab notebook. This article explains the importance and convenience of having a virtual electronics laboratory. It also demonstrates how to develop a virtual oscilloscope usingthe ADALM2000 and Python.

It is easy for beginners to learn and widely utilized in many scientific areas for data assessment. This lab is an overview of the Python programming language for learners without prior programming knowledge. It follows the concept of object-oriented programming and has graphical user interface-driven applications.

In this lab, students will be able to learn and practice basic python programming. Students can expand their skillset by learning and solving basic problems in python. One of the main reasons for the popularity of Python is the developer community. Python developers have created and made available many specific modules that can be imported into any program to immediately lend added functionality.

These grants cover salaries, research materials, equipment and administrative costs. However, some funding agencies require a principal investigator (PI) with tenure, so we are not eligible to apply. We overcome this challenge by establishing collaborations with permanent professors from different institutions. Even if it means that I won’t be a project’s PI, such collaborations are crucial for acquiring resources for the project.

The sample rate is the number of times weget a sample in 1 second, and the duration is how long we get these samples. Forexample, if we set the sample rate to 1000 and duration as 3, we’re going to get1000 samples per second for 3 seconds. Python is a powerful and easy to learn open-source programming language. The lab has no fixed address, because I move between different institutions as a visiting professor or postdoc. Still, for now, some lab members and I use a room borrowed from another lab at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in Salvador, Brazil.

These two privacy metrics were designed to provide privacy guarantees on datasets. We can compare these two metrics to differential privacy, a popular mathematical limit on the amount of privacy loss. Differentially private mechanisms have to be built in the algorithm’s design. However, not all synthetic data generators need to have differential privacy to generate high-quality and private data. By using these two metrics, we gain the ability to compare on an even playing field differentially private synthetic data generators to non differentially private synthetic data generators.

It does have some glitches, which leave students stuck, but generally the experience is a well-refined one with decent graphics and performance. Virtual lab software is ideal for science classes, allowing teachers and students to try lab techniques in a safe and secure virtual environment. Students can also access more advanced lab equipment and experiences, virtually, that might otherwise not be available to them. My team at MOSTLY AI frequently uses Virtual Data Lab for rapid evaluation of modifications to our synthetic data generator.

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